Tuesday, April 8, 2008

State of Parenting and Teens

Its been awhile since I've posted anything, but this really ticked me off.

I am sure you all have seen or heard about the video that 6 teen girls made while beating the living hell out another girl. Along with the 6 girls there were two teen boys who stood outside the house and kept "guard" while the beating took place.

Now, I am sure that the parents of these little skanks have alot to be proud of. Career mommy was of in her corporate office while these little "honeys" were being raised by anyone other than themselves. Gee wiz mom, I hope your new Lexus SUV was worth it.

Also, I am sure that the fathers of the boys are just thrilled that their sons did nothing to help this young lady. Oops, I am sorry, I'll bet these boys don't think of girls as "ladies", more like bitches. To those boys fathers, my hat is off to you. You sat around and taught your sons nothing about the way women should be treated. Oh, I forgot, daddy was out playing pool with the guys, or having wings and beer at the local Hooters instead of being home with his kids, because , hey, that ain't cool. Or maybe you taught the boys that manners and decency weren't your job, it was up to the school system, huh? Did you teach them how to fart the alphabet at the dinner table, or to clean their toe nails with a coat hanger? All the while telling your wife to "shut the hell up".

A little exaggerated? Not so much. Am I blaming the parents? Not really, but the kids learned how to treat others from someone!! These 6 girls and 2 boys need to be held responsible for their actions and prosecuted as ADULTS. I want to see all of these parents on national television and I want to hear how they try to talk their kids out of this. I want to see what today's "open minded" parents look like. I want to see what these parents, who didn't put the friggin fear of God in those little brats, look like. Were they worried about hurting the kids self esteem? Oh, my, you wouldn't want to make your kids feel bad, now do you?

I know what you are going to say. Save it. There is no excuse for ganging up on anyone just because you can. Children who are raised properly and taught the difference between right and wrong don't do crap like this!! A good ass whippin' several years ago would have benefited these 8 lovely children immensely. Now, I hope the law locks their little asses up for a good long while.

God love that girl's father. Only the Lord can be keeping him from going absolutely nuts on these little scum-sucking maggots. Wait, wait, wait......one minute here. Could he be showing some restraint? Being a good example? I don't know. I don't know him or any of his family, but all I have to say is God love him, he is a better man than I am. If six kids ever ganged on one of my kids, God help them. There would be NO man or municipality that would keep me from beating them within an inch of their lousy stinking worthless lives!!

You all wonder why I am cynical. I am a realist. I see what we as a society are turning out because of our "open thinking" and progressive thought process.

We need to get our minds BACK on our family and raising decent human beings and quit worrying so much about "finding ourselves"and "being all we can be" and filling our lives with a bunch of useless crap. Start worrying about sending your kids out into the world as productive, considerate ladies and gentlemen.

Finally, as a Christian, I am commanded to pray for these children and their families. As a human I find that very difficult to do, but with Gods help I will. Maybe some day these 8 children will see the horror in what they have done and will feel real remorse.