Sunday, January 27, 2008

Animals are smarter we are

This is turning into a long winter. We humans aren't as smart as we give ourselves credit for. think about it, we wake up every morning, look outside, see the snow and grumble. We freeze our tails off shoveling snow out of the way, just to go back out in it. I don't believe that humans were built to live in this mess.
Here is why animals are smarter than us. Bears hibernate. A great escape from the cold and snow. That's all good and fine except for the fact that several months of your life is wasted. No, the smartest animal has a brain about the size of the tip of my nose. BIRDS!!! Now they've got it together! As soon as it starts getting they get out of dodge!! They do it by instinct. Cold=death. Warmth=life. Hmm, we have that instinct, but it takes some of us almost 70 years to get the idea. Go to southern Florida this time of year and ask any of the white-haired gentlemen or the blue-haired ladys why they are there.....Anwer? BECAUSE COLD AIR STINKS!!! It is not conducive to life in any way!!
So my friends, lets get wise. Pack up our homes, pack up our cars and move south for the winter and lets get warm.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Could they possibly get any more out of touch??

I wish I could find some coverage of the Presidential candidates somewhere! I keep searching the news channels and can't find one single news story about the candidates.!!
No, I am not serious. I have had it up to my ears with the upcoming election. Several times a day I turn on the cable news channels just to see what is happening. Apparently, nothing of any importance is happening besides candidates spewing political crap. CNN, CNN Headline News, FOX,and MSNBC cover this stuff from every possible angle and even some angles that I didn't think was possible!! Caucus after caucus, its the same story. Political "experts" predict who is going to win this caucus or that. When they are wrong, they can't figure it out, so they talk it to death and try to predict the next one. We are going to be know as the generation who talked themselves to death. A generation of news anchors and reporters that look like Chatty Kathy dolls with a pull string on their chest, that they pull by themselves. Blah, blah, blah...(pull string again) Blah, blah blah (pull string again) etc, etc.
This is the information age. All we need is an Internet connection, even a slow dial-up will do, to find out all the information we need to decide who to vote for and why. What we don't need is cable news turning it into a drama of some twisted kind to entertain us. I don't need to be influenced, I can make up my own mind, thank you. I don't care how hot Robin Meade is or how cute and funny Sheppard Smith is or how rude and nasty Bill O'Rielly and Keith Olberman are. By the time November 8 rolls around, I am so sick of hearing about it that I would vote for Brian the dog just to shut them up and get them to go away!!
Now, on the other hand, I sure don't want to hear another story about Britney Spears and her drama du jour. For the record, I predict that she will be found dead before the year is up, either by suicide or accidental overdose, but that's another story. How about some storys that center on what we Americans care about. Lets see, maybe having someone explain to me why it takes $25.00 to fill my Toyota's gas tank? Did I mention that I don't have a Toyota SUV, but rather a small Paseo with a 1.5 liter engine and an 8 GALLON TANK!!! Man, it wasn't that long ago that I could take a $10 bill to the gas station, fill up the Toyota AND fill the gas can for my lawn mower!! Spend a day trying to explain how we got into a situation like that and I'll watch the news all day long. Aww, who cares. I'd still end up ticked off and yelling at the TV anyway. I think I'll go find someones dog to kick.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Opinions are like certain body parts..we all got 'em

Everyone knows that we all have an opinion on just about every subject. Will all opinions be the same? Of course not. There are over 300 million people in this country today and there are 300 million different ideas about everything.
What I have been noticing here lately, is that acceptance of someone elses opinion or idea is quickly disappearing. Watch the network news just one day and you'll see. Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNN etc are all showing the intolerance of an individual idea. Newspapers are no different. They tend to pick a side an any story and report it the way they see fit. Fine. But, I challenge anyone to send them an editorial or a letter to the editor that challenges them on their position, and see if it gets published. I have done this many times and I have to say that 8 out of 10 times it won't get published. When I send letters that agree with them, more than 50% of the time it will get published. Coincidence? Maybe.
Check out message boards or places like and look at the Rants and Raves section. It can be very upsetting to see someone attacked persaonally because their view differed from another. I have been called every name in the book because I dared to challenge a liberal idea publicly. These so-called people of tolerance have no tolerance what so ever. And what it worse is that they won't attack me publicly on the craigslist website, they send me an e-mail like a coward and question my heritage and even wish me dead. I have been called everything from a hate-monger to a war-monger to a hater in general.
Some people just can't get their thick skulls around the concept that I can love the person, but criticize the action or lifestyle. I love my kids, but that doesn't mean that I won't jerk a knot in their tails if they get out of line. I know many people with whom I don't agree with their lifestyle or business methods, but I love them just the same, for the person they are.
When are we going learn to "agree to disagree" and keep being civil to each other.

Friday, January 11, 2008

A rave for a friend

Please visit . Debbie is a very close friend and confidant whom I have known for almost 15 years. She and her husband Ron, also a dear friend, have been with me through good times and bad. The word "friend" is not adequate enough to explain what they mean to me. In a world of self-serving behavior, back biting and gossip, they are just good people. I trust them with any aspect of my life. What I tell them stays with them. Period. If I ask for prayer, I know they will lift me up and pray for me. God has blessed me with friends that shine with love and kindness, and I will always thank Him for Ron and Debbie.
Check out Debbie's website. It is filled with hope, fun and just plain old good reading. Not a day goes by that I don't stop by Debbie's site and and see what she has to say.
I hope you all can say you have friends like mine.

Winter Blues

Anyone who likes winter weather is out of their mind.

How can anyone like looking out of the window and see the remnants of what was once a beautiful tree, or that barf colored mess that six months ago was your lawn. I tend to flip flop back and forth about which I hate worse, the snow or the cold. I suppose there is enough hate in me to hate them both equally.

I know of people who just live for this junk. You know the type, people who LOVE to ski, or ice skate outside or build a snowman. Give me a break. Let me put some logic to this "Winter Sports" insanity.

First of all, why would any somewhat intelligent person strap 5 feet of slippery wood to their feet? We spend hours just trying to keep from slipping on our sidewalks and driveways, so why on creation would I want to slide down the side of a hill, out of control I might add, to my death. Oh, I'm being dramatic you say? Ask Sonny Bono!!! Point made. Don't forget the wind chill factors from going 50 mph straight down! Anyway, you get the point.

People who try to convince me to get over it and just deal with it, just don't get it. Let me put it simply, I HATE BEING COLD!!! That's why I don't swim (aside from the fact that I am not going to burden anyone with having to look at me in shorts) I end up freezing my can off. Anyone who knows me at all, knows that if I get cold, I WILL complain without ceasing!

To anyone who likes this crap we are dealt for 4 months of the year, go have your head examined!

I'll see everyone in the spring.


Welcome to my Blog. Come on in and sit a spell.
I will be posting my thoughts on various topics that I have an opinion on. My opinions are my opinions, and don't necessarily reflect those of my family friends or town.
Please feel free to comment and express your own thoughts and opinions on whatever topic I cover. You can disagree with me, agree with me or just think I am plain crazy. All I ask is that personal attacks be kept out of it. I believe there is room for everyone's opinion, but there is no room for attacking someone who doesn't share your belief.