Friday, January 11, 2008

Winter Blues

Anyone who likes winter weather is out of their mind.

How can anyone like looking out of the window and see the remnants of what was once a beautiful tree, or that barf colored mess that six months ago was your lawn. I tend to flip flop back and forth about which I hate worse, the snow or the cold. I suppose there is enough hate in me to hate them both equally.

I know of people who just live for this junk. You know the type, people who LOVE to ski, or ice skate outside or build a snowman. Give me a break. Let me put some logic to this "Winter Sports" insanity.

First of all, why would any somewhat intelligent person strap 5 feet of slippery wood to their feet? We spend hours just trying to keep from slipping on our sidewalks and driveways, so why on creation would I want to slide down the side of a hill, out of control I might add, to my death. Oh, I'm being dramatic you say? Ask Sonny Bono!!! Point made. Don't forget the wind chill factors from going 50 mph straight down! Anyway, you get the point.

People who try to convince me to get over it and just deal with it, just don't get it. Let me put it simply, I HATE BEING COLD!!! That's why I don't swim (aside from the fact that I am not going to burden anyone with having to look at me in shorts) I end up freezing my can off. Anyone who knows me at all, knows that if I get cold, I WILL complain without ceasing!

To anyone who likes this crap we are dealt for 4 months of the year, go have your head examined!

I'll see everyone in the spring.


Debbie Jansen said...

Mike Darling you are a hoot!

I know your blog will be a hit. I'm just going to hold on to my hat and see what happens.

I've told all my friends that if they want to go skiing that I will be happy to come along. I'm not going to do something silly like take skis, a huge coat or that little pole thingy that goes in the ground. My only necessity will be my pocketbook. I'll be glad to watch them from the big window by the fireplace in the lodge. My pocketbook will help me purchase all kinds of flavored coffee and yummy cakes. Ah...the only way to ski.


Anonymous said...

Mike, it's January 11th, and I wore a t-shirt to work today in lovely downtown Dundalk, Maryland. It's been floating between 30 and 65 degrees for the last month. Baltimore would love to have you and your family back, and it's a lot warmer here!!!! Take care, and good luck with the blog. Brian