Sunday, January 27, 2008

Animals are smarter we are

This is turning into a long winter. We humans aren't as smart as we give ourselves credit for. think about it, we wake up every morning, look outside, see the snow and grumble. We freeze our tails off shoveling snow out of the way, just to go back out in it. I don't believe that humans were built to live in this mess.
Here is why animals are smarter than us. Bears hibernate. A great escape from the cold and snow. That's all good and fine except for the fact that several months of your life is wasted. No, the smartest animal has a brain about the size of the tip of my nose. BIRDS!!! Now they've got it together! As soon as it starts getting they get out of dodge!! They do it by instinct. Cold=death. Warmth=life. Hmm, we have that instinct, but it takes some of us almost 70 years to get the idea. Go to southern Florida this time of year and ask any of the white-haired gentlemen or the blue-haired ladys why they are there.....Anwer? BECAUSE COLD AIR STINKS!!! It is not conducive to life in any way!!
So my friends, lets get wise. Pack up our homes, pack up our cars and move south for the winter and lets get warm.


Anonymous said...

hey mike, why not try picking something that really matters. living in n.e. ohio and bitching about the weather in feb. makes about as much sense as being in a lion cage with a pork chop suit on. u haul still rents trucks.

MoodyBlue8567 said...

For the record, I live in NW ohio!! Besides, its my blog and I'll whine when I want too!!

Anonymous said...

Mikey,'s only the weather......btw, it's beautiful and sunny down here in Balto today...a mild 45 degrees, but with full sunlight, it's not so bad. Do you need me to send you up a new snow shovel? LOL


Anonymous said...

it's so nice to see that you accept criticism so well. what's next? threaten to take your ball and go home? seems "your" blog is set up to be one sided.

MoodyBlue8567 said...

Yup it is my blog. And no I won't take my ball and go home...I'll just poke a hole in
Thanks for the comment