Saturday, January 12, 2008

Opinions are like certain body parts..we all got 'em

Everyone knows that we all have an opinion on just about every subject. Will all opinions be the same? Of course not. There are over 300 million people in this country today and there are 300 million different ideas about everything.
What I have been noticing here lately, is that acceptance of someone elses opinion or idea is quickly disappearing. Watch the network news just one day and you'll see. Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNN etc are all showing the intolerance of an individual idea. Newspapers are no different. They tend to pick a side an any story and report it the way they see fit. Fine. But, I challenge anyone to send them an editorial or a letter to the editor that challenges them on their position, and see if it gets published. I have done this many times and I have to say that 8 out of 10 times it won't get published. When I send letters that agree with them, more than 50% of the time it will get published. Coincidence? Maybe.
Check out message boards or places like and look at the Rants and Raves section. It can be very upsetting to see someone attacked persaonally because their view differed from another. I have been called every name in the book because I dared to challenge a liberal idea publicly. These so-called people of tolerance have no tolerance what so ever. And what it worse is that they won't attack me publicly on the craigslist website, they send me an e-mail like a coward and question my heritage and even wish me dead. I have been called everything from a hate-monger to a war-monger to a hater in general.
Some people just can't get their thick skulls around the concept that I can love the person, but criticize the action or lifestyle. I love my kids, but that doesn't mean that I won't jerk a knot in their tails if they get out of line. I know many people with whom I don't agree with their lifestyle or business methods, but I love them just the same, for the person they are.
When are we going learn to "agree to disagree" and keep being civil to each other.


Anonymous said...

I have to be the first one to disagree with you. Even though cold, the snow is beautiful and reminds me of my childhood and building snowmen and igloo's. I think you should just put on warmer clothes and by some gloves.


Anonymous said...

I have to be the first one to disgree with you. I love the snow. It reminds me of my childhood making snowmen and building igloo's. I think you need to put on warmer clothes and buy some gloves.


MoodyBlue8567 said...

Well, my love, first of all, the snow is NOT beautiful. Second of all, I too had fun building snowpeople and igloo's. But those memories do nothing for me now when I am freezing my tail off!